As a City Region and combined authority area with devolved powers, Greater Manchester has an ambitious growth strategy with 6 strategic investment zones across the region. As part of the Spatial Planning Framework preparation these IZ’s had not been considered in terms of there suitability and fitness regarding digital infrastructure provision. To enable stakeholder engagement and ensure the right infrastructure could be adopted into Local Plans an assessment of likely end use and current digital provision was needed.
Background and Challenges

Our Solution
Working with partners, the industry and bringing a blend of both spatial planning and GIS mapping expertise, we were able to consider the proposed site allocations and review local development plans. Using our insights gathered around digital networks, Ofcom data and OMR review data for GM, we quickly put together a detailed appraisal of what digital connectivity overlaid these Investment Zones, including data centre provision and capacity, mobile 5G and backhaul provision. We collated all IZ data in a usable way for Officers to take forward into discussions with Authorities and potential development partners. We had to recognise the different end land use allocations – such as advanced manufacturing (new Graphene Institute) within Atom Valley IZ and major distribution hubs for typical hyperscalers such as Amazon. These would all influence the recommendations around what digital infrastructure connectivity should be promoted.
Benefits Realised
This is considered a UK first in undertaking a forensic Digital Infrastructure Masterplanning exercise at this scale for development and investment zone purposes and has enabled the findings to be incorporated into local plan policies and the spatial planning framework for GM. The spatial representation of findings supported stakeholder engagement and allows easy representation during meetings, alongside opening-up more strategic investment discussion with mobile and fixed fibre service providers. Identifying the sites allocation early in the overall planning framework review supported planning reform discussions and ensured connectivity provision is not considered as an afterthought or left to development partners when sites are built-out – but becomes and integrated part of any site enablement.
Can we do the same for you?
Contact the CJ Founds Associates team and see how we can help with your project.