Background and Challenge

Having been involved with West Sussex County Council supporting various procurements and projects for nearly 10years, we were asked to support the transition away from large single supplier Term maintenance contracts to a series of frameworks back in 2017. This followed a detailed options appraisal we produced which guided the new generation of framework service contracts. This latest contract procurement developed that best practice learned during delivery over the past 4 years and evolved the specifications, performance frameworks and social value outcomes. The new contract also reflected the changing market and supplier engagement.

CJ Founds Associates

Our Solution

We worked closely with commissioning officers and service leads to guide the development of a suite of documents including updated specifications to reflect modern innovative delivery practices, more focused performance frameworks and guided the governance through stage gateway decision making. We used our expertise in TMC contract procurement to undertake Peer Reviews at relevant stages to ensure some independent scrutiny and critical friend challenge, whilst ensuring service standards and policy requirements could be met.

Benefits Realised

Recognising the challenging landscape in highways TMC contracting we were able to support the Council team in managing, procuring and ultimately awarding service contracts for term maintenance and drainage services. This enabled contract renewal dates to be met and a defined series of mobilisation workstreams to be established. The new contracts have through the competitive tender process delivered efficiencies already in terms of annual costs and will remain flexible over the contract period to meet Council priorities and annual budget challenges.

Can we do the same for you?

Contact the CJ Founds Associates team and see how we can help with your project.