Supported by CJ Founds Associates, the Berkshire Authorities established the Digital Infrastructure Group off the back of working together under the Superfast Broadband scheme. The DIG created a framework for the Authorities to work together to deliver digital initiatives and drive stronger economic prosperity under the Thames Valley LEP. We were engaged to develop an implementation strategy considering the needs and demands and areas requiring intervention such as mobile coverage, adoption in local plans and basic enablers such as dig-once.
Background and Challenge

Our Solution
Working closely with all the Berkshire Authorities we developed a comprehensive framework of 6 workstreams including infrastructure enablers, adoption plans, market engagement forums and technology themes, creating a series of toolkits and working groups represented by all 6 Authorities. The forums facilitated a structured understanding of digital infrastructure and allowed use cases and benefits to be developed and embedded into existing Authority strategies, policies and programmes. Working closely with the market we also influenced further investment across the region, leveraging enablers such as dig-once and standardised wayleaves. We developed a 10-point action plan with a detailed Digital Adoption Strategy to guide Authority focus and lay out a number of commitments that Members and Officers could sign-up to.

Benefits Realised
Bringing together leadership and senior decision makers from each Authority under a structured framework and facilitated working groups, has established a much deeper understanding and adoption of digital technologies and how they directly support Council service delivery. The Digital Adoption Strategy is a UK first and has paved the way for delivering a focused 10-point action plan supporting economic growth, planning and investment activities. A toolkit of enablers directly supports highways and planning teams in delivering their regulatory functions, whilst influencing market investment in the right areas.
Can we do the same for you?
Contact the CJ Founds Associates team and see how we can help with your project.