CJ Founds Associate Ltd

The DIG consists of the six Berkshire Local Authorities, Slough, Reading, West Berkshire, Bracknell Forest, Wokingham, Royal Windsor and Maidenhead Councils, as well as the Thames Valley LEP.

Working together and collaboratively towards a ‘Connected Berkshire’ we were instrumental in establishing the Digital Infrastructure Group – to drive forward initiatives and funded programmes such as the Digital Infrastructure Accelerator Initiative – a programme funded by DSIT.

The DIG partnership, including the six authorities, Asset Market as well as CJ Founds Associates, successfully bid for central government funding to pilot the effectiveness of developing, testing and implementing a digital platform to centralise infrastructure assets for  locating mobile technology onto – such as small cell technology.

The funding created the foundation to fulfil that goal and build evidence around the benefits and efficiencies of a digital asset platform.

Its aim was driving consistency in asset data standards and demonstrating the importance of 4G/5G connectivity engagement across Estates, Legal, Highways and Planning teams – ensuring a common understanding and developing consistency in application.

CJ Founds Associate Ltd

We established a single common data environment with accurate mapped asset information that could be visualised and recorded spatially. By working with all Authorities and Partners we were able to understand the obstacles, barriers, share lesson learned and overcome issues together.

We were able to drive consistency in asset data standards and the importance of 5G connectivity, by collaboration with Officers in Economic Development, Estates, Legal, Highways and Planning teams. This shaped the way we look at Local Authority asset management and helped shape the approach to delivering 5G infrastructure within the public realm – helping to shape placemaking and adoption.

Crucially we established a single common data environment with accurately mapped information that could be visualised and recorded spatially – making it easier for Mobile Operators to easily identify locations where they would like to place infrastructure to enhance coverage.

CJ Founds Associate Ltd

The DCIA Pilot has developed and tested the effectiveness of an asset platform and workflow management system to accelerate the mobile network operators’ acquisition process.

With the alignment of the DCIA pilot and DIG strategy, we’ve been able to test the adoption of an asset platform that local authorities can confidently utilise with suppliers and MNO’s, delivering consistency across all six local authorities, directly supporting one of the three components of the DIG Digital Strategy; increasing coverage of 4G/5G connectivity across the Berkshire region.

CJ Founds Associate Ltd

The project demonstrated with the local authorities partners the process required to digitise assets and structure workflow for the site acquisition process.

The project has built evidence of whether the use of a digital asset management platform enables more efficient industry access to public sector assets and whether it encourages deployment of infrastructure in the region.

The programme developed potential commercial models and the economic viability of running a digital asset management platform from a Local or Regional Authority perspective, understanding and recognising constraints in affordability, whilst increasing the development of the partners’ expertise and understanding of what resources are required to expand telecommunications infrastructure deployment.

The project demonstrated that the application of a digital asset management mapping platform across a diverse range of geographies (urban, suburban, rural) and socio-economic profiles (industrial, agricultural, leisure, business or residential etc) could be useful for Authorities to have in-place but that the demand was perhaps not at a mature enough stage from an Operators perspective. This is expected to grow in future years with the advent of more demand around 5G connectivity.

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