Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead appoint CJ Founds

CJ Founds Associates has been appointed by the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to support the procurement of its new highways term contract.

A management consultancy that helps deliver transformational services for businesses and citizens, CJ Founds was awarded the project with the council following a recent competitive tender process.

On the successful award of the contract, the company is now working with the council to draft the authority’s new highways contract specification ahead of a 2024 go-live date, providing technical and commercial expertise.

The contract will encompass key highways areas such as bridge inspections, design and project management for civil works, planned and routine highway maintenance and bridge works, drainage and gulley clearance, winter services and customer enquiries.

As part of the tender process, the council wanted a partner that would provide technical advice on the contract specification particularly around commercial changes relating to shared risk and reward.

With a track record of delivery in place-making, including high profile and complex projects across highways, transportation and digital infrastructure, this latest project will draw off CJ Founds’ expertise and innovative approach to shared learning.

Key areas of delivery will focus on technical advice on indexation and sustainability/climate change aspects of the contract; reporting and measurement, with incorporated KPIs; technical support during the procurement process, including advice related to the bids received, questions and pricing.

Chris Founds, director and founder of CJ Founds Associates, said “We are delighted to be working with the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to help shape what will be a leading contract for the borough.  As we look to more sustainable outcomes and data-led decision making, we’re committed to ensuring the procurement process and award drives positive impact across the area and for citizens in the Royal Borough. Our team is dedicated to ensuring shared learning and ways of working can help influence best practice in all of our projects, and we’re excited to be bringing that on to this programme and working with a forward-thinking local authority.”

Councillor Phil Haseler, Cabinet Member for Planning, Parking, Highways & Transport, from Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead said “We want to continue to provide services for our residents that keep our highways network in good working order and deliver value for money, and we’re pleased to be working with CJ Founds Associates on the procurement process ready for when our current contract expires in April 2024. Our highways maintenance service delivery model going forward will continue to see the majority of elements delivered by external providers as this requires specialist technical work, or are operational or construction activities. These will fall under three separate contract groupings – highway maintenance, street cleansing and highways professional services.”